Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Music Connections Through Research


Over the years of working on my Gena Project, the number of surprise moments has never ceased to amaze me.  People contact me whether former members of the Branscombe Choral, relatives of Branscombe Choral members, a researcher who years ago interviewed her in person, relatives of Miss Branscombe and more.  Always these moments take me by surprise since they open new doors of understanding the past and enhance my connection to Gena Branscombe….always.

Two weeks ago I received an e-mail from Dr. Derek Strykowski, Associate Teaching Professor, Historical Musicology at the University of Buffalo.  Dr. Strykowski is writing a book about Arthur P. Schmidt, his personal life and career in the music publishing business. 

My blog postings extolling the publisher’s passion for promoting American women composers in a day when women were thought to be second class musicians caught Derek’s interest.  Margaret Ruthven Lang, Clara Kathleen Rogers, Gena Branscombe, Amy Beach, Marion Bauer, and Mary Turner Salter, to name a few, were the women whose music was on music store shelves for sale.  With a sale, they received royalties because Arthur P. Schmidt believed in women composers!

The music world is a small world of people connections.  In my blog Derek read that I knew Arthur Schmidt’s great, great granddaughter, Linda Johnson.  Would I please connect him with Linda?  I was more than happy to make that connection.

Over a Zoom call, Derek and I discussed Gena Branscombe’s relationship with Mr. Schmidt and her published works.  I learned a great deal about Mr.  Schmidt, his wife, daughter, his finances and about Linda’s great, great grandmother who was not Mr. Schmidt’s wife.  Oh, the family intrigue!

Linda was eager to meet Derek.  A Zoom meeting was set - what a meeting it was.  Information flowed between Derek and Linda who shared with one another documents, pictures, copies of postcards and their individual research.  Each learned something new from the other.  

Onward they will go unraveling the life of Arthur P. Schmidt, music publisher. 

Derek’s book is to be published in 2027!

Research always brings new connections and opens doors to expanding our individual learning curve.





Friday, March 21, 2025

Radio, Royalties and Rules


Christmas Eve – the year 1906 - classical music was first broadcast on the radio from Brant Rock, Massachusetts.  Over the air-waves people heard a phonograph recording of Handel’s “Largo.” Reginald Fessenden and F.W. Alexanderson were the inventors’ team who created the broadcast with Fessenden closing the program with, “Merry Christmas.” 

A few short years later in 1910 Enrico Caruso was heard live from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. 

Radio became a major venue for classical music and by 1920 and into the 1930s programs such as “Bell Telephone Hour,” “Voice of Firestone,” and “Cities Service Concerts” filled the air with classical music.  

Arturo Toscanini led the NBC Symphony Orchestra. Live broadcasts from the Metropolitan Opera were heard.  These performances drew large audiences.  

Families gathered around their radios to listen to great performances by the top classical musicians of the day.

Those 20 years of broadcasts began the era of artists, whether a composer, conductor, soloist, orchestra or chorus, earning royalties from radio performances.  Up to that point, publishers paid composers royalties on the sales of their music.  But radio – no one knew what to expect.  Formulating guidelines, rules and payments became a pressing issue.

In early 1923 over WJZ in Newark, New Jersey, Gena Branscombe had two fifteen minute segments of her music performed live.  In her March 23, 1923 letter to Mr. Austin at Arthur P. Schmidt Publishing , she said:

“Am ever so thrilled about it – The possibilities are so limitless!”  

She hoped Mr. Austin would listen in, he didn’t own a radio, then asked if his friend in London would get up at 3 AM to listen if the broadcast would get across the pond. 

Thus began many years of Gena’s music being heard on the radio.  Her Branscombe Choral, violinists, pianists and famous singers of her era were heard live via broadcasts on WJZ, WNYC, WEAF and WOR.  Miss Branscombe understood the importance of this promotional publicity which might lead to sales of her music and royalties paid to her.

Radio broadcasts for Miss Branscombe were not an easy path to her copyrighted music being performed.  This new musical venue with great possibilities for the future had road blocks for the composer. 

In the 1930’s contentious letters between Gena and Mr. Austin regarding radio broadcasts of her music were nearly a daily occurrence.  Permission from Arthur P. Schmidt Publishing, who held the copyrights to her music, had to be sent to the radio stations where her music was to be performed.

Radio stations refused singers the performance of works published by Schmidt explaining they had not received the permission letters. 

From her May 22, 1930 letter to Mr. Austin she wrote:

And now for something that’s on my mind.  Over two weeks ago a baritone came to me and told me that all his Schmidt numbers were being taken off – on his broadcasting program of the National Broadcasting Co.

 Now a soprano comes along with the same story.  She is not allowed to do Schmidt numbers.  ….. How do you propose to handle this thing?  One’s opinion may vary as to the sales value of radio performances – but it will surely react unfavorably as to the whole catalogue if singers come to know generally that the works are taboo.

 It seems a very serious situation to me.”

On July 23, 1930, after many letters back and forth, Mr. Austin replied,

In any case, as we wrote you recently, any broadcasting you wish to have done of your compositions meets with our entire approval.”  

 An unknown, unsolved issue for the broadcasting of Gena’s music was happening.  She did not let up with her vitriol in her July 26, 1930 letter to Mr. Austin,

“I wasn’t asking permission to have my things done, I was telling you of a condition which affects unfavorably all the works of the Schmidt catalogue, my own, included.  I have been told that this has been caused by some attitude on your part.

 If this is not true, and you are not able, or do not consider it important, to clear the matter up, - there’s nothing more that I can do.”

 And on through the 1940s these discussions of permission letters to broadcasters, questions of where royalties originated and how they were paid to her were a constant in correspondence between Miss Branscombe and her publisher Mr. Austin at Arthur P. Schmidt.  They did come to an agreement and the mood of professionalism returned to their relationship. 

The beginning of classical music on radio broadcasts was not easy for the creative spirit.  Yet, through the trials and tribulations of developing rules and laws to protect artists, a path was laid down for today’s musicians.  All is not perfect as we know from news reports that performers accuse producers, agents, record companies and others of fraud. 

This is sad as we artists work long hard hours to share the soulful depth of our art.  Being paid for that work….. ART TAKES WORK….is essential to our livelihood and the ongoing endeavor of artistic creativity.


·    Letters between Gena Branscombe and Arthur P. Schmidt Publishing Company are held in the Arthur P. Schmidt Publishing Company business papers at the Library of Congress.



Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Gena Branscombe Project 2025 Scholarships

The Gena Branscombe Project is now accepting applications for its 2025 scholarships.  We honor the music and life of Miss Branscombe by mentoring up-and-coming arts administrators, conductors and composers by awarding yearly scholarships.

Go to the website: to find  scholarship information and application.  The deadline is May 9, 2025.



Monday, February 10, 2025

Gena Branscombe Letter - October 1940


A letter dated October 31st, 1940 written by Gena Branscombe.  Her penmanship is its usual “difficult to read” or “hard to decipher” words yet her message is of friendly warmth and happiness to have helped a friend of a friend. 

Written on The Branscombe Choral stationery, she is returning to a Mrs. Grambling a piece of autographed linen.  Autographed linen?  Someone had a hobby of collecting autographs on linen?  Intriguing!

 Collecting famous people’s autographs and letters was a popular hobby a century or more ago.  Once collected they were put in a scrapbook.  This letter was found in one of those books, though the autographed linen piece was not. 

 As Gena says, “What an interesting idea!”  My thoughts on that “idea” is someone was creating a table cloth of autographs, a blanket or making an artistic piece to be framed – my idea.

Who was Mrs. Grambling to whom the letter is addressed or Mrs. Davis who Gena mentions having given her the linen square to sign?  I have no idea though I am sure they were acquaintances.

Now in my possession is this charming 1940 letter authored by Gena Branscombe.





Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Will Wickham


“I’ve been a wedding photographer and worked in a winery, all to support myself as an artist.”  - Will Wickham

Are there people in any field of the arts who would not have a list of jobs they have worked to support the art that fills their soul and an art that allows them to share their creative beauty?  I would think not!

 My friend, Will Wickham, was recently honored in Times Square as one of the recipients of a grant from “Creatives Rebuild New York” (CRNY) which was a three-year, $125 million initiative that provided guaranteed income and employment opportunities to artists across New York State. 

On the very cold, blustery evening of Wednesday, January 15th in Times Square, several of the recipients of these grants were honored.  A video of each artist was played on one of the huge screens.  Larger than life each artist told the story of the jobs that supported their art – a photographer, clothing designer, dancer, painter, and weaver.  All were recipients of grants from New York State that supported their art.  And, there was my friend Will Wickham.

All of us in attendance for the video presentation and speeches were given an “Art Takes Work” winter hat!  We needed the hat to stay warm!  

Take a look at the website, to learn more about support for artists and the campaign partners. 

Living in the Elmira, New York area, Will is an entrepreneurial artist.  His genius of creating art to share with the residents of his surrounding area is exemplary.  Conducting three concerts a season with his Cantata Singers, they present programs of music composed by area composers including his own compositions.  All concerts are free and open to one and all.

In 2008 Will established the “Festival of Women in the Arts” which showcased women artists in the Elmira area including wine makers, fabric artists, poets and writers, presentations of all music genres, jewelry designers and more.  A highlight for me was to have been invited to open the first year’s festival performing my one woman show, “Life! Love! Song! A Visit with Gena Branscombe.”  What a special honor to be part of that community which has blossomed into 17 years of friendships created from that concert.

When The Gena Branscombe Project was creating a new orchestral score of the composer's dramatic oratorio, "Pilgrims of Destiny," we were struggling to enter the music note by note into the music program, Finale.  The concert was approaching and we needed as many people helping us with this tedious task.  Who offered to help?  Of course, Will Wickham!  With his talent using Finale, Will helped us reach our deadline of having the score ready for rehearsals and the performance.  Thanks, Will!

Composer, conductor, piano tuner, director of plays, playing in pit orchestras and teaching at a local college, Will Wickham is an all-around accomplished, down-to-earth artist well deserving of a grant to further his creative goals.  Job well done, Will!  Congratulations. 

                                            (photo credit: ATW: SiteImages)


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Bringing Back Branscombe: A Woman Composer Lost - Now Found

The Gena Branscombe Project is sharing the video of my speech, "Bringing Back Branscombe: A Woman Composer Lost - Now Found."  The speech was given at the University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music for their CCM Speaks showcase.

Enjoy listening to my 25 year journey working on the music and life of this wonderful woman composer.



Monday, October 7, 2024

Dalia Stasevska - Conductor

 In late August my Bar Harbor friend, Dr. Bill Horner, flew to Lahti, Finland to attend the Sibelius Festival.  Bill has become quite a Sibeliophile listening to the composer’s symphonies, tone poems and reading his biography.  Bill shared the diary of his trip that included his review of the three Sibelius concerts he attended.  Through his writing I learned of conductor Dalia Stasevska.  Bill admits to not having the credentials of a music critic, yet, his review of Maestra Stasevska is quite accurate, I am sure; “her conducting style spot on: her baton arm marked a tempo that even I could follow, and her left made long sweeping motions that imparted her evident passion to both her orchestra and to me.”

Another woman conductor has crossed my radar screen and one whose career is worth researching and writing about on my blog!

Dalia Stasevska was born Kyiv, Ukraine in 1984.  Her family moved to Finland when she was five. Her music training began on the violin and eventually she studied composition at the Tampere Conservatory in Finland.  Moving forward she continued her studies of violin and viola at the Sibelius Academy where conducting studies were afforded by pawning her violin.  

How she chose to be a conductor -

Dalia has been appointed the Chief Conductor of the Lahti Symphony Orchestra and Artistic Director to the International Sibelius Festival.  She is Principal Guest Conductor to the BBC Symphony Orchestra, made her BBC Proms debut in 2019 and in 2023 conducted the First Night of the BBC Proms. 

Below is the link to to that BBC Proms concert.  She begins conducting around 2 minutes.

Maestra Stasevska has conducted concerts with the world’s leading orchestras including the Cleveland Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, Seattle Symphony, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic. Chicago Symphony, Deutsches Symphonie-OrchesterBerlin and the list goes on and on. 

Opera conducting is another of her musical passions leading productions at the Glyndebourne Opera Festival, Finnish National Opera and with the Kungliga Opera Stockholm. 


Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky bestowed on Dalia the Order of Princess Olga of the III Degree for her contribution to international cooperation and upholding Ukraine’s prestigious historical and cultural heritage.  She and her brothers have actively raised donations for supplies given to the Ukraine people, delivering them in person. 

Dalia is married to the great grandson of Jean Sibelius, Lauri Porra, who is a Finnish composer and musician.  The couple has one child.

Known for her colorful conducting wardrobe - she is a colorful, spirited conductor as well; one who has masterfully led the world’s greatest orchestras.  Her baton technique radiates her passionate musical understanding to all who work with her. 

Another brilliant woman conductor is on my radar.  And, my thanks to my friend, Bill Horner, for making the trip to the Sibelius Festival!
