The Elusive Arthur P. Schmidt
Gena Branscombe's music publishers
were numerous and among them was Arthur P. Schmidt of Boston,
Massachusetts. In my January 2011 blog entry, I wrote the
following paragraphs about him.....
"German born Arthur Schmidt
(1846-1921) was a trailblazer for American composers and in particular American
women composers. In my mind and opinion
he broke down barriers, sought out potential that could be developed into the
brightest and best. He proved that the
word composer had no gender bias to it….a composer is a composer whether man or
What I have found most
interesting about Mr. Schmidt is the personal interest he took in his
composers. At the Library of Congress in
Washington , DC is the entirety of his business
records. There are ledger books for
sales of each composer’s works, royalties paid, copyright filings, renewals and
expirations, inventory listings, files with each individual’s contracts,
business documents, pictures of composers, their children, families and
concerts where they performed, correspondence from each composer immaculately
filed by year, and original scores with the copies of each piece of music the
company published. This collection is
the history of one of our country’s leading music publishers.
All totaled, Arthur P. Schmidt
Music Publisher printed and sold 76 different compositions of Gena
After reading the above, one
could easily question "elusive"? Arthur Schmidt, elusive? Not really, yet amidst all of his business
papers, there was not one photograph of Mr. Schmidt. An online search brought forth no photos of this
important business man from the world of music publishing.