South Devonshire, England, the
village of Branscombe……that’s where Gena Branscombe’s paternal family heritage
began. Through her musical compositions
and life style, she honored her British roots.

“Tea, we must have tea,” a
line from my one-woman show probably best describes how Miss Branscombe lived
her life. Tea and small sandwiches were
served when one had company, making conversation quite civilized! Laurine Elkins Marlow, who wrote her
dissertation on Gena Branscombe, told me that each time she visited the
composer they would work together for a short while, then tea was served after
which they returned to work. Laurine has
in her possession the tea cup that was officially hers during those working

“Coventry’s Choir,” a choral
work, was composed amidst the bombings of England during World War II. Coventry Cathedral, known as St. Michael’s, located
in the West Midlands of England was destroyed by the Luftwaffe on November 14,
1940. As church members emerged from
their damaged homes, they gathered near the ruins of their church where only
the great Gothic tower remained standing.
Through their tears and disbelief, they sang. There was no doubt that rebuilding St.
Michael’s was an act of faith and healing for the future.
Taking up the cause of the
reconstruction of St. Michael’s, Gena Branscombe encouraged those around her to
become deeply involved. She wrote
“Coventry’s Choir” in 1944 and dedicated the piece to her Branscombe Choral
which was celebrating its Tenth Anniversary. With words penned by Violet B. Alvarez, the
story of the Cathedral from its 12
th century beginnings until the
1940s is sung by the four part women’s chorus and soprano soloist.

The Branscombe Choral members
who were actively singing during World War II and who I have had the pleasure
to meet, have told me their beloved conductor encouraged them to donate money
to the rebuilding of the Cathedral. She
not only asked them to make donations but suggested that since they were
professional working women, they should sacrifice going out to lunch at least
twice a week and give that money to the Cathedral’s reconstruction fund! Encouragement with a plan…..leave it to Miss

“Coventry’s Choir” was sung
frequently by the Branscombe Choral at their Town Hall concerts and performed
by the Simmons College Glee Club. In
1957 Miss Branscombe visited Coventry, England where she met the Lord Mayor and
Alderman and arranged a performance of the work at St. Michael’s. A dream comes true for someone who took up
the cause of rebuilding this great church.

Former Branscombe Choral
member and my friend, Agnes Conway, recently sent me her autographed copy of
“Coventry’s Choir.” Agnes had the honor
of performing this work at the 1953 Branscombe Choral’s Town Hall concert. Thank you, Agnes for entrusting me with this
piece of music.
Here's a hyperlink to St. Michael's Church which will give you additional information.
Thank you Kathleen!