Monday, August 5, 2024

Bayreuth - 2024 - Women Conductors


The glass ceiling for women conductors is being shattered this summer when three women lead performances of Wagner’s operas at the Bayreuth Festival.  YES!


In  2021, Ukrainian Oksana Lyniv became the first woman to conduct at Richard Wagner’s theatre, Bayreuth.  Wagner initiated his company in 1876 ---- it only took 145 years for a woman to conduct there.  Maestra Lyniv debuted conducting “Der Fliegende Holländer (The Flying Dutchman)” and has returned this summer to lead that same opera.

Simone Young, the first Australian conductor at Bayreuth, will lead performances of Wagner’s “Ring Cycle.” She is the first woman to ever perform those four wonderful operas at Wagner’s Bayreuth festival ---- 147 years after its founding.


French conductor Nathalie Stutzmann made her Bayreuth debut in 2023 leading performances of “Tannhauser.”  She returns this summer to lead an open air concert and “Tannhauser.”  


Congratulations to these three women conductors who have made an indelible mark on the music world.  Thank you to Bayreuth for helping to shatter the glass ceiling for women conductors.


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