Sunday, September 10, 2023

Four Years of The Gena Branscombe Project Scholarship Winners


Over the past four years through donations and the purchase of The Gena Branscombe Project merchandise, the money we have received has allowed us to award scholarships to an up-and-coming Arts Administrator, Conductor and Composer. The first year we awarded a Conducting Honorable Mention and the second year an Art Song Commission. 

These scholarships and awards have assisted our talented and gifted winners with furthering their education and careers.  As we get news of our winners’ achievements, we post that update on Facebook.  It has been an honor to see our winners follow in Miss Branscombe’s beliefs that education and hard work will open doors of opportunity. 

Our winners by the year:

For 2020:

For 2021:

For 2022:


For 2023:

Your donations to The Gena Branscombe Project or your purchase of our merchandise will help us grow our yearly scholarship fund. 
Thank you for your continued support.  


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